Culture, Health & Society

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Degree Type
Dual Degree
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Adult Education
Description 1

Culture, Health and Society (CHeS) is an interdisciplinary minor, housed in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS), that offers students in-depth and substantive exposure to the connections between health understood broadly, and the arts, humanities and social sciences. The CHeS minor aims to supplement the scholarly understanding of DU undergraduate students pursuing any major, as well as enhance their career opportunities. Students who successfully complete the 20 credit-hour coursework requirement will have the Culture, Health and Society minor noted on their transcript.

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Culture, Health and Society (CHeS) is an interdisciplinary minor, housed in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS), that offers students in-depth and substantive exposure to the connections between health understood broadly, and the arts, humanities and social sciences. The CHeS minor aims to supplement the scholarly understanding of DU undergraduate students pursuing any major, as well as enhance their career opportunities. Students who successfully complete the 20 credit-hour coursework requirement will have the Culture, Health and Society minor noted on their transcript.

The CHeS minor aims to expand students’ understandings of health, disease, health inequalities, wellbeing, health care, and/or health systems, by offering a variety of courses in key disciplines including, but not limited to: Economics; Media, Film, and Journalism; Anthropology; History; Psychology; Communication; Music; Philosophy; Art; and Sociology.

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Why Choose Culture, Health and Society at DU?

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    The CHeS minor is aimed at students in any major who are interested in any aspect of health, disease, and wellbeing, as well as students who are specifically interested in health and medical professions.

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    The CHeS minor aims to promote learning about health, disease, health inequalities, wellbeing, health care, and/or health systems through interdisciplinary examination and community engagement.

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    The CHeS minor promotes a critical and scholarly inquiry of health-related issues and generating knowledge to address health inequalities within and across communities.

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    The CHeS minor aligns with DU’s commitment to DEI, Inclusive Excellence, dedication to the public good, and the development of the whole student/person. This minor aligns with university goals of offering the 4D experience to students. 

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    Adding CHeS as a minor supports and provides additional perspectives to students pursuing medical occupations, students generally interested in health from non-medical perspectives, and students not pursuing medical occupations. 

economics students talking

Degree Requirements

Required Courses (4 credits): 

ECON 1740: Political Economy of Health and Healthcare (course proposal in progress)


ANTH 2525: Culture, Health and Society

Electives (16 credits):

Student can take any four courses from the Content Courses listed below, but you must take content courses in at least two departments and cannot take all four courses from one department. Upon approval, students can transfer into the minor up to 8 credit hours from appropriate study abroad courses. 

  • ANTH 2323  Global Health
  • ANTH 2424 The Social Determination of Health      
  • ANTH 3320 Medical Anthropology       
  • ARTS 3452 Photography and Society               
  • COMN 2270 Intro to Health Communication
  • COMN 3700 Topics in Communication (Visiual Narratives of Women's Health
  • COMN 3702 Topics in Communication (Communicating Grief and Loss)          
  • ECON 2400 Public Finance        
  • ECON 3740 Health Economics  
  • ENGL 3730 Literature and Medicine: Addiction and Modernity  
  • HIST 1240 Comparative History of Medicine
  • MFJS 2205 International and Development Communication
  • MFJS 3207 Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) in Health Communication
  • PSYC 2031 Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience 
  • PSYC 3160 Emotion Regulation
  • PSYC 3262 Affective Neuroscience       
  • PSYC 3665 Executive Functioning                   
  • SOCI 2240 Sociology of Health  

This minor program requires 20 total credits. 

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Culture, Health & Society